The way that you can easily (and significantly) exceed the EPA rated MPG on the FusionH is by using the innovative gauge cluster that Ford has developed. They call it the SmartGauge. And that's cool, it IS pretty smart. I love it.
First off here is an overall shot of the SmartGauge, next I'll include some close-ups and show how you can make it work for you. Sorry about low pict quality, this is from my iPhone.
What we have here is a traditional speedometer with 2 hi-res LCD screens on either side. Computer displays actually. The gauges are all in software, a little like a video game in say a flight simulator. Anyway, they work absolutely fantastic. See the red horizontal "needles" on some of the gauges? They actually programmed some "bounce" into them so they appear to behave like regular analog gauges, like a tachometer for example. Kudos off to the programmers doing stuff like this is REALLY sweating the details.
OK, I've got to get back to work, in the next post you'll see a review of the left LCD screen, the one with the most critical gauge for hypermiling.
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